Off Grid System Components

The off-Grid system relies heavily on better-abled storage systems.  Battery: Stores energy by chemical reactions. Most stand-alone PV systems use lead-acid batteries. Flooded lead-acid battery: A battery that has a liquid electrolyte (fluid) and uses chemical reactions between lead and acid to store energy. Sealed valve regulated flooded lead-acid battery: Read more…

System Sizing: Off Grid

There are are a few basic factors to consider when designing any kind of system. Energy requirements2. Peak Sun Hours3. Site Location Evaluation4. Battery bank5. No. of Solar Panels Off-grid systems are designed to work alone and are sized so that they work during the worst conditions of the year, Read more…

System Sizing: On Grid

There are a series of important questions that come to mind when talking about sizing a PV system. 1.What is your monthly electrical usage? Your utility bills will show you how many kilowatt-hours of electricity you use on a monthly basis. You can calculate the watt-hours of each appliance you Read more…

PV System Losses

Manufacturers quote the efficiency of a PV System at STC conditions, i.e. at 1000 W/m2, however, due to parasitic resistances the efficiency is not constant as the intensity of solar irradiance changes. This is referred to as Irradiance loss Irradiation losses seem to be rising from spaces in between two Read more…

Blocking Diodes

Blocking Diodes A blocking diode allows the flow of current from a solar panel to the battery but prevents/blocks the flow of current from the battery to solar panel thereby preventing the battery from discharging. Current streams from high to low voltage, so on a bright day, the voltage of Read more…

Understanding Efficiency of Solar Modules

Understanding the Efficiency of Solar Modules Solar panels are usually able to process 15% to 22% of solar energy into usable energy, depending on factors like placement, orientation, weather conditions, and similar. The amount of sunlight that solar panel systems are able to convert into actual electricity is called performance, and the outcome determines the solar panel Read more…