Collecting Baseline Data for TRUE Certification: A Guide to Sustainable Waste Management

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Organizations looking to achieve TRUE certification for sustainable waste management must first establish a baseline for waste diversion data. A baseline serves as a control or comparison for evaluating progress towards a waste reduction goal. Collecting accurate baseline data is crucial to identifying areas for improvement and setting achievable targets for sustainable waste management.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to collecting baseline data for TRUE certification:

  1. Review waste streams: Start by reviewing all waste streams generated by the project, including solid waste, hazardous waste, and other materials that are subject to waste reduction and diversion.
  2. Define diversion: Determine what materials will be included in the diversion calculation. For example, will the calculation include only recyclable materials or will it also include materials that are reduced or reused?
  3. Establish a timeframe: Choose a timeframe for collecting data, such as the most recent 12 months of operations.
  4. Gather data: Collect data on the quantity and type of waste generated, as well as the quantity and type of waste diverted. This can be done through waste audits, waste tracking sheets, or other data collection methods.
  5. Verify accuracy: Verify the accuracy of the data by reviewing data collection methodologies and ensuring that all waste streams are accounted for.
  6. Document baseline: Document the baseline data, including all waste streams, quantities generated, and diversion rates, along with any calculations or assumptions used in the data collection.
  7. Implement waste management goals: Based on the baseline data, establish waste reduction targets and implement effective waste management strategies, such as improved recycling and composting programs.
  8. Update annually: To maintain TRUE certification, updated waste diversion data must be submitted to GBCI annually. This data should be compared to the baseline data to evaluate progress towards waste reduction goals.

Here is an example table showing baseline data and data after implementing waste management goals for TRUE certification:

Material TypeQuantity Generated (kg)Quantity Diverted (kg)Diversion Rate (%)Quantity Diverted (kg) after implementing waste management goalsDiversion Rate (%) after implementing waste management goals
Food Waste1,00030030%80080%

In this example, the baseline data shows that the building generated a total of 3,970 kilograms of waste, with a diversion rate of 33%. After implementing waste management goals, including improved recycling and composting programs, the building was able to divert 2,960 kilograms of waste, resulting in a diversion rate of 75%.

By setting waste reduction targets and implementing effective waste management strategies, organizations can significantly improve their waste diversion rates and work towards achieving TRUE certification. By documenting baseline data and regularly updating waste diversion data, organizations can track progress towards their sustainability goals and identify areas for improvement.

By following these steps, organizations can establish a starting point for their waste reduction efforts and measure progress towards sustainability goals. With accurate and up-to-date baseline data, organizations can identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions around waste management strategies. By implementing effective waste management goals and regularly updating waste diversion data, organizations can work towards achieving TRUE certification and becoming leaders in sustainable waste management practices.