Delhi: BSES plans solar power trading at individual level

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NEW DELHI: BSES Rajdhani Power Limited (BRPL), one of the power discoms of Delhi, will launch a blockchain-based platform on a trial basis for consumer-to-consumer (or peer-to-peer) solar power trading.

The method can be used by consumers with rooftop solar power infrastructure to further monetise their investment. Consumers with this infrastructure can sell their excess solar energy to their neighbours even if they do not have rooftop solar power, said a BSES spokesperson.

BRPL has partnered with Australia’s Power Ledger, a global player in the blockchain technology, to launch the consumer-to-consumer solar power trading on a trial basis.

“The pilot project will initially be carried out among a select group of gated community solar consumers in Dwarka who generate around 5-6MW of solar power,” he said.

BRPL has become the first discom in the country to use Power Ledger’s blockchain-based platform for peer-to-peer (P2P) solar trading, he claimed.

BRPL CEO Amal Sinha said the trial with Power Ledger will help the discom fully utilise clean energy. Based on the outcome of the pilot project, they will expand the trial to include blockchain-enabled solutions for group net metering, virtual net metering, electric vehicle charging and virtual power plant applications, he added. The consumers require no hardware devices or investment to sign up to the Power Ledger platform.

Source: Economic Times

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