Design strategies to reduce Urban Heat Island Effect

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Urban Heat Island Effect

An urban heat island occurs when a city experiences much warmer temperatures than in nearby rural areas. The difference in temperature between urban and less-developed rural areas has to do with how well the surfaces in each environment absorb and hold heat.

Design strategies to reduce Urban heat island effect

  • Landscaping on site: Plant trees/ shrubs, vegetated pergolas
  • SRI Coating: Cover surfaces exposed to solar radiation with high SRI coating
  • Solar panels: Shade building roof with solar panels
  • Green Roofing: Cover roof with landscaping
  • Basement Parking: Provide parking underground to minimize hard paving on site

Difference Compliance Options

The intent of these credit is to ensure incorporation of site design strategies which assist in reduction of Urban Heat Island Effect.

LEED: Sustainable Sites

Credit: SS Heat Island Reduction

To minimize effects on microclimates and human and wildlife habitats
by reducing heat islands.


Option 1 : Nonroof and Roof

Meet the following criterion:

Alternatively, an SRI and SR weighted average approach may be used to calculate compliance.

Option 2. Parking under Cover

Place a minimum of 75% of parking spaces under cover. Any roof used to shade or cover parking must

(1) have a three-year aged SRI of at least 32 (if three-year aged value information is not available, use materials with an initial
SRI of at least 39 at installation),

(2) be a vegetated roof, or

(3) be covered by energy generation systems, such as
solar thermal collectors, photovoltaics, and wind turbines.


GRIHA: Criteria 3 Design to Mitigate Urban Heat Island Effect


The intent of this criterion is to ensure incorporation of site design strategies which assist in reduction of Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE).


More than 25% or 50% of the site surfaces visible to sky (including building roofs but not the landscape area*) should be either soft paved/covered with high SRI coating (SRI > 0.5)/shaded by trees/shaded by vegetated pergolas/shaded by solar panels or any combination of these strategies for 1 or 2 points.


IGBC: Site Selection & Planning

SSP Credit 6: Heat Island Reduction, Non-roof

Minimise heat island effect so as to reduce negative impact on micro-climate.
Compliance Options:

  1. Option 1: High Reflective Materials
    Use material with a high solar reflective index to cover at least 75% of the exposed roof area,
    including covered parking.
  2. Option 2: Vegetation
    Provide vegetation to cover at least 50% of the exposed roof area, including covered parking.
  3. Option 3: Combination of High Reflective Materials and Vegetation
    Install combination of materials with high solar reflective index and vegetation to cover at least
    75% of the exposed roof area, including covered parking.