Energy Performance: Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite for LEED Existing building (O+M)

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Energy performance is a critical aspect of sustainable building design and operation. The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification program developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) includes several prerequisites and credits related to energy efficiency and management.

One of the Energy and Atmosphere prerequisites for LEED Existing Building Operations and Maintenance (O+M) and Interiors projects is focused on measuring and improving energy performance. The intent of this prerequisite is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impacts associated with excessive energy use by achieving higher levels of operating energy performance.

The requirements for this prerequisite include the installation of permanently installed energy meters or submeters that measure total building energy consumption, including electricity, natural gas, chilled water, steam, fuel oil, and propane. Utility-owned meters capable of aggregating total project energy use are also acceptable. For Interiors projects, sub-meters must measure all electricity and fossil fuels for equipment within the project scope. Alternatively, energy use may be pro-rated using occupancy and base building energy use over twelve consecutive months.

Meters must be calibrated within the manufacturer’s recommended interval if they are owned by the project owner, management organization, or tenant. However, meters owned by third parties such as utilities or governments are exempt. Monthly energy use data must be collected for twelve consecutive months to obtain an energy performance score. LEED points for this prerequisite are based on the project’s energy performance across two metrics: greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and source energy.

1Check Meters– Ensure energy meters are installed and functioning properly
– Distinguish total building energy consumption by fuel type
– Install sub-meters or establish a process for pro-rating energy use for interiors
2Measure energy use – Collect energy use, by fuel type for 12 consecutive months
3Input dataInput building’s energy use using one of the following methods:
– Upload USGBC data import spreadsheet
– Share energy data from ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
– Connect existing BAS or meters to the platform
– Enter data manually
– Input weighted occupancy, weighted operating hours, and gross floor area via calculator
4Determine energy performance score – Score will automatically generate
5Prepare documentation for certification review – Complete prerequisite information