Global manufacturing snapshot of solar PV modules

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In 2019, global PV shipments were approximately 123 GW—an increase of 39% from 2018. • In 2019, 62% of PV shipments were mono c-Si technology—a level not seen since the early 1980s. • In 2019, revenue from PV deployment was more than 10X revenue from PV manufacturing. • Despite tariffs, PV modules and cells are being imported at historically high levels. – 7.1 GW of PV modules were imported in the Q1 2020. – Another 0.8 GW of cells were imported in Q1 2020. • From 2010 to 2019 efficiency gains for modules installed in the United States were: – 14.4% to 19.4% for mono c-Si – 13.7% to 17.4% for multi c-Si – 11.0% to 17.4% for CdTe.

• In 2019, global PV shipments were approximately 123 GW—an increase of 39% from 2018. • Since 2010, the U.S. share of global PV shipments declined from around 6% to less than 1%. • Over the same time period: – China’s share of global PV shipments grew from 37% to 63%. – Together the share of Malaysia, Vietnam, and South Korea went from 8% to 24% (with Vietnamese growth coming on rapidly during the last four years).

Source: NREL annual report