Himachal becomes first state to notify Energy Conservation Building Code 2018

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SHIMLA: Himachal Pradesh is the first state in the country to achieve the milestone of notifying State Energy Conservation Building Code 2018 to reduce energy consumption demand in commercial buildings that aims to reduce the energy consumption demand of commercial buildings by 30%. This policy will be implemented in its true sense after the successful incorporation of its provisions in Town & Country Planning Rules by Town and Country Planning Department.

According to the officials of the Directorate of Energy, this code has been formed by Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Union Ministry of Power under Energy Conservation Act 2001 and every state needs to amend and notify the code based on local climatic conditions for effective implementation on ground.

With the mandatory implementation of the Himachal Pradesh Energy Conservation Building Code (HPEBC) & Rules, 2018, every commercial building such as educational institutes, shopping complex, hotels, hospitals, and multiplexes etc having built-up area of 750 sq meters or more shall be granted planning permission by approval or development authority only after the compliance of the provisions of this code.

Based on the provisions mentioned in the code, the climate zones in Himachal Pradesh have been divided into two categories that is areas above altitude of 1600 m from sea level shall follow requirement of cold climate conditions and areas below 1600 m from sea level shall follow requirement of composite climate conditions.

Officials said that Directorate of Energy under the department of MPP & Power and Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Government of India was working on this code for last two years.

The HPECBC & Rules 2018 has been prepared after having vide consultation with all stakeholder departments such as Town and Country Planning Department, HPPWD, HIMUDA, Urban Development Department, HIMURJA, HPSEBL, Rural Development Department.

Directorate of Energy has also organized about 25 number of awareness workshops and training programs for capacity building of relevant stakeholders in every district of the state as well.

source- Times of India