Huge discounts in Tamilnadu for Green Buildings by Tamilnadu Govt.

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Huge discounts in Tamilnadu for Green Buildings by Tamilnadu Govt.

Like other States in India Tamilnadu is also another important State who announced some notifications regarding Energy & Environment sector for one step forward in Energy Consumption & Energy savings in Buildings & in other facilities. As per guideline issued in Industrial Policy, Govt of Tamilnadu stated that there were already some existing guidelines for Incentives for Green Building certified projects, but that was not cleared. In recent guidelines of Industrial Policy 2021 all detail clarification is mentioned.

State Govt. of Tamilnadu offers a 25% subsidy on the cost of setting up environmental protection infrastructure, subject to a limit of Rs. 1 cr., for industrial projects that obtain GRIHA/IGBC/LEED green certification. Projects establishing or expanding industrial units, industrial parks, R&D projects, warehousing and logistics parks shall be eligible for availing this Green Industry Incentive.As per their notification Industrial projects undertaking green initiatives for recycling waste & water for industrial use & Sustainable energy use coupled with online monitoring will also be eligible for 25% subsidy.As per their guidelines Industrial Projects obtainning certifications like ISO,ISI ,BEE,BIS,Ecomark or any other national or international certification, will also be eligible for 50% subsidy of the total cost incurred for obtainning the certification.

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