Huge Incentives from Himachal Pradesh Govt. for Green Buildings

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Huge Incentives from Himachal Pradesh Govt. for Green Buildings

It is a really very good news to see that Himachal Pradesh Govt. recently announced huge incentive benefits for all buildings (which are certified under GRIHA/IGBC/LEED Certification) including Government buildings, Corporate & industrial buildings, Hospitals, Educational Institutions & all other type buildings of their State. This Government adopted the Provisions of Green Buildings Code in all types of buildings of their state. Ministry of Environment & Forest Department of the State of Himachal Pradesh is now more focused on promoting Green Building initiatives among the people to create awareness on energy conservation & environmental emission reduction. Green Building is nothing but to promote the efficiency of buildings with regards to use of water energy and materials while reducing the building’s impact on individual’s health and the environment through better design, construction, operation, maintenance and removal.

As per Himachal Pradesh Govt., Projects which are under Construction or design State & if are certified by authorized rating agencies will also be eligible for availing additional Incentives. Let’s have a look at the Incentives for buildings (which are certified as Green Building Status) from Himachal Pradesh Govt:

In case owner(s) of the property desire to procure green building ratings from any of the rating bodies such (IGBC/GRIHA/LEED), incentive of 10% additional FAR without paying additional fee shall be granted to such projects as are certified with under mentioned ratings:

  1. Buildings granted Gold/Platinum ratings by IGBC.
  2. Buildings granted 4 Star/5 Star by GRIHA as well as certified by LEED.

Also Sanction of Building Plan for construction of ‘Green Building’ & grant additional FAR shall be allowed on the basis of Pre-Certification by the authorized Green a gencies. Also, Final Completion Certificate shall be issued by the Competent authority after getting Final Certification & also they have to abide by the laws of Green Building Code of their State strictly.Himachal Government is much more focused on energy conservation & energy savings through all type of Buildings of their State by involving more in Green Buildings Sector.

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