IGBC Green Landscape Credit- Site Planning and Management- Night sky pollution reduction

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The night sky is a beautiful and awe-inspiring sight that we should all be able to enjoy without the interference of light pollution. Unfortunately, in urban areas, light pollution is a common problem that can have negative impacts on wildlife, human health, and our ability to appreciate the beauty of the night sky. The good news is that there are ways to reduce light pollution, and the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) offers a landscape credit for Night Sky Pollution Reduction that rewards projects that take steps to minimize light pollution.

Complying with the IGBC Landscape Credit for Night Sky Pollution Reduction is a step-by-step process that involves the following measures:

  1. Ensure that no external light is upward looking: External light fixtures should be designed and installed in such a way that they do not emit any light upward. This can be achieved by using fixtures that have reflectors or shields that direct the light downward.
  2. Comply with recommended Lighting Power Density values: The Lighting Power Density (LPD) for exterior areas such as landscape areas, pathways, facades, etc., should not exceed the LPD values recommended in ECBC, Section 7.4 – Exterior Lighting Power. This means that the lighting fixtures used in these areas should be designed to be energy efficient, and the lighting levels should be appropriate for the intended use of the space.

To comply with the IGBC Landscape Credit for Night Sky Pollution Reduction, the following documentation is required:

  1. A narrative describing the measures implemented for the reduction of light pollution from exterior lighting.
  2. Lighting Power Density calculations for all exterior areas in the landscape.
  3. Lighting layout highlighting the location of all external light fixtures in the park/garden.

In summary, the IGBC Landscape Credit for Night Sky Pollution Reduction encourages projects to minimize light pollution from exterior lighting to enhance the nocturnal environment and increase night sky access. By following the step-by-step process outlined above, projects can earn points towards the credit and contribute to the protection of our night sky.