IGBC Green Landscape – Selection of species for Landscape Credit-Drought Tolerant Species

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Landscape design is a critical component of sustainable building practices. It plays an important role in reducing the environmental impact of a project, as well as enhancing the overall aesthetics of the site. One key aspect of sustainable landscape design is the use of drought-tolerant species. This credit encourages the use of plants that require less water, thus reducing the overall water consumption of the landscape area.

Complying with the IGBC Landscape Credit for Drought Tolerant Species requires a step-by-step approach. The following outlines the process and documentation requirements for achieving compliance:

Step 1: Select Drought Tolerant Species

The first step is to select drought-tolerant plant species for the landscape. Drought-tolerant plants can be defined as those that can survive and thrive in conditions of water scarcity. They have adapted mechanisms that allow them to survive during prolonged periods of drought. Examples of drought-tolerant species include cacti, succulents, yucca, agave, and various species of grasses and shrubs. A combination of these species can be selected to create an aesthetically pleasing and sustainable landscape design.

Step 2: Calculate the Percentage of Landscape Area with Drought Tolerant Species

Once the drought-tolerant species have been selected, the next step is to calculate the percentage of landscape area where they will be planted. To achieve compliance with the credit, at least 20% of the total landscape area should be planted with drought-tolerant species.

Step 3: Landscape Plan

A landscape plan is required to illustrate the location of the drought-tolerant species on the site. The plan should show the areas of the landscape that are being planted with drought-tolerant species. It should also include a list of the selected plant species.

Step 4: Narrative

A narrative should be provided that describes the measures taken for the selection of drought-tolerant species. The narrative should also explain how the selected species were chosen and how they will be maintained.

Step 5: Required Documentation

The following documentation is required to achieve compliance with the credit:

  1. Narrative: A narrative describing the measures taken for the selection of drought-tolerant species.
  2. Calculations: Calculations indicating the percentage of landscape area provided with drought-tolerant species.
  3. Landscape Plan: A landscape plan highlighting the location of areas planted with drought-tolerant species.
  4. List of Species: A list of drought-tolerant species (including trees, shrubs, herbs, climbers, and grass) used in the park/garden.


The IGBC Landscape Credit for Drought Tolerant Species promotes sustainable landscape design by encouraging the use of plants that require less water. This credit provides a framework for selecting drought-tolerant species, calculating the percentage of landscape area with these species, and documenting the selection process. By following these steps, projects can achieve compliance with the credit and create beautiful, sustainable landscapes that require less water.