IGBC Green Landscape- Site Planning and Management Credit- Design for Differently Abled

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The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) is a non-profit organization that promotes sustainable development in the built environment. One of the IGBC’s initiatives is the Landscape credit for Design for Differently abled. This credit encourages the design of outdoor spaces that are accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to comply with the IGBC Landscape credit Design for Differently abled, as well as summarize the required documentation in a table.

Step 1: Understand the Credit Requirements

The first step in complying with the IGBC Landscape credit Design for Differently abled is to understand the credit requirements. This credit requires that the outdoor spaces be designed in a way that is accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities. The credit requires compliance with the National Building Code of India, as well as other relevant Indian standards and guidelines.

Step 2: Plan for Accessibility

The next step is to plan for accessibility. The design team should consider the needs of people with disabilities when designing the outdoor spaces. This may include providing accessible routes, ramps, handrails, and other features that facilitate ease of movement for people with disabilities. The design should also consider the needs of people with sensory disabilities, such as visual and auditory impairments.

Step 3: Provide Accessible Features

The third step is to provide accessible features. This may include providing accessible parking spaces, accessible entrances, and accessible restrooms. The design team should also consider providing accessible seating areas, water fountains, and other amenities.

Step 4: Incorporate Universal Design Principles

The fourth step is to incorporate universal design principles. Universal design principles ensure that the outdoor spaces are designed in a way that is usable by all people, regardless of their abilities. This may include providing multiple seating options, incorporating tactile features, and using contrasting colors to aid people with visual impairments.

Step 5: Document Compliance

The final step is to document compliance. The design team should document how the outdoor spaces comply with the IGBC Landscape credit Design for Differently abled. This may include providing drawings and specifications, as well as documentation of the materials and features used.

Required Documentation

The following table summarizes the required documentation for compliance with the IGBC Landscape credit Design for Differently abled:

National Building Code ComplianceDocumentation that the design complies with the National Building Code of India
Indian Standards ComplianceDocumentation that the design complies with other relevant Indian standards and guidelines
Accessibility PlanDocumentation of the accessibility plan, including accessible routes, ramps, handrails, and other features
Accessible FeaturesDocumentation of accessible parking spaces, entrances, restrooms, seating areas, water fountains, and other amenities
Universal Design PrinciplesDocumentation of the incorporation of universal design principles, including multiple seating options, tactile features, and contrasting colors
Drawings and SpecificationsDocumentation of the design drawings and specifications
Materials and FeaturesDocumentation of the materials and features used in the outdoor spaces

In conclusion, complying with the IGBC Landscape credit Design for Differently abled requires careful planning and consideration of the needs of people with disabilities. The design team should ensure compliance with the National Building Code of India, as well as other relevant Indian standards and guidelines. Documentation of the accessibility plan, accessible features, and universal design principles is also required for compliance. By following these steps and documenting compliance, the design team can help create outdoor spaces that are accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities.