IGBC Green Landscape- Water Conservation Credit- Rain Water Filtration

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Rainwater filtration is an important aspect of sustainable landscape design. The aim of this is to prevent pollutants from rainwater runoff from entering natural waterways and protect them from contamination. The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has recognized this and has included it as one of the credits for sustainable landscape design. In this article, we will discuss the step-by-step method to comply with the IGBC landscape credit Rain Water Filtration on Site.

Compliance Options: Construct on-site water treatment systems to remove total suspended solids (TSS) from post-development rain water run-off.

Documentation Required:

• A description of the rainwater filtration techniques incorporated in the landscape design to treat rainwater runoff.

• Landscape plan showing the location of rainwater treatment/filtration systems. Also, provide a cross-section of such treatment systems.

Step-by-Step Method:

Step 1: Identify the locations where rainwater filtration is required The first step is to identify the locations where rainwater filtration is required. This can be determined by studying the site layout plan and identifying the areas where rainwater runoff is expected.

Step 2: Determine the type of rainwater treatment system required The type of rainwater treatment system required will depend on the site-specific conditions, the amount of runoff, and the pollutants that need to be removed. Some common types of rainwater filtration systems include bioretention basins, rain gardens, and constructed wetlands.

Step 3: Design the rainwater treatment system Once the type of rainwater treatment system is determined, the next step is to design it. This will involve determining the size of the system and the materials required for construction. It is important to ensure that the design meets the criteria set by the IGBC.

Step 4: Install the rainwater treatment system Once the design is finalized, the rainwater treatment system can be installed. It is important to ensure that the system is installed correctly and according to the design specifications.

Step 5: Monitor and maintain the rainwater treatment system Regular monitoring and maintenance of the rainwater treatment system is crucial to ensure that it is functioning effectively. This will involve periodic inspections, cleaning, and repairs if necessary.

Summary of Required Documentation:

The documentation required for compliance with the IGBC landscape credit Rainwater Filtration on Site includes:

• A description of the rainwater filtration techniques incorporated in the landscape design to treat rainwater runoff.

• Landscape plan showing the location of rainwater treatment/filtration systems. Also, provide a cross-section of such treatment systems.

In conclusion, rainwater filtration is an important aspect of sustainable landscape design, and compliance with the IGBC landscape credit Rain Water Filtration on Site can help reduce pollution of natural water flows by filtering contaminants from rainwater runoff. By following the step-by-step method outlined above and providing the required documentation, project teams can achieve this credit and contribute to a more sustainable built environment.