IGBC Green Landscape- Water Conservation Credit-Use of Efficient Irrigation Systems

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The use of efficient irrigation systems in landscapes is essential for conserving water and reducing the demand for irrigation. The IGBC landscape credit for efficient irrigation systems aims to encourage the adoption of efficient systems for watering landscapes. In this article, we will discuss the step by step method to comply with the IGBC landscape credit for the use of efficient irrigation systems on site, as well as the documentation required for compliance.

Compliance Options: To comply with the IGBC landscape credit for efficient irrigation systems, the following measures can be adopted:

  1. One or more central shut-off valves, as appropriate
  2. Moisture sensor controllers
  3. Time-based controller, for the valves such that the evaporation loss is minimum and plant health is ensured
  4. Pressure regulating devices, to maintain optimal pressure to prevent water loss
  5. Appropriate planting beds, based on landscape species and irrigation systems
  6. Water leak detection system
  7. Any other innovative methods for watering

Step by Step Method:

To comply with the IGBC landscape credit for efficient irrigation systems, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Evaluate the landscape design and determine the appropriate irrigation system.

Step 2: Install one or more central shut-off valves, as appropriate, to minimize water loss due to leakage.

Step 3: Install moisture sensor controllers that automatically adjust watering times based on the amount of moisture in the soil. This will reduce the amount of water used for irrigation and promote healthy plant growth.

Step 4: Install a time-based controller to minimize evaporation loss and ensure plant health. The controller should be set to irrigate during the early morning or late afternoon when the temperature is cooler, and evaporation loss is minimal.

Step 5: Install pressure regulating devices to maintain optimal pressure and prevent water loss.

Step 6: Create planting beds based on landscape species and irrigation systems to ensure that plants receive adequate water without overwatering.

Step 7: Install a water leak detection system to identify leaks quickly and minimize water loss. Step 8: Consider any other innovative methods for watering that could further reduce water usage.

Documentation Required:

To comply with the IGBC landscape credit for efficient irrigation systems, the following documentation is required:

Documentation RequiredDescription
A description of the installed irrigation systemsA description of the installed irrigation systems, including the type of system, manufacturer, and specifications.
Landscape plansLandscape plans showing the segregation of planting beds based on irrigation requirements.
Manufacturer cut-sheets and photographsManufacturer cut-sheets and photographs of the installed irrigation systems.


The IGBC landscape credit for the use of efficient irrigation systems is an essential step in conserving water and reducing the demand for irrigation. By following the step by step method outlined in this article and providing the required documentation, landscape designers and architects can comply with the credit and contribute to a more sustainable future.