IGBC- SSP Mandatory Requirement 1: Local Building Regulations

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Ensure that the building complies with necessary statutory and regulatory codes.

Compliance Options:
The project shall comply with following statutory approvals from the Government of India or State Government authorities, as applicable:

  1. Approved site plan (and/ or) building plans for construction, as applicable

  2. Status of completion or Completion certificate signed by Architect/Engineer/Owner or Third party Commissioning Authority (OR) Occupancy certificate from Local Authority

Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.

Procedure for Site Preservation


Follow Building codes

Building design should comply with all necessary local or national building code.

Approval of drawings

All building plans should be approved from the State govt authorities or Government of India.

Completion Certifcate

Get status of completion signed by Architect/Engineer/owner OR Occupancy certificate from local authority.