Industry body conclave on net-metering

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Aurangabad: The Chamber of Marathwada Industries and Agriculture (CMIA) will organise a conclave on net-metering at Chhatrapati Shahu College of Engineering, Kanchanwadi on Wednesday.
Head of energy cell, CMIA, B V Soni said, “In order to meet the power requirement the state has introduced a power policy that will provide roof-top solar systems to consumers. To create power consumption awareness among customers the conclave will focus on optimum usage of electricity for illumination and lighting.”

The Maharashtra State Electricity Regulatory Commission has notified the installation of net-metering regulations on September 10. Under this system Solar Photo voltaic systems will be installed on rooftop and if a consumer intends to install solar photovoltaic system of less than 1MW to cater to all or part of his own electricity load requirement will be eligible for getting solar panel connection.

Soni said, “The proposed conclave aims at making consumers aware about the net-metering policy introduced by the state power utility. Weeks after its implementation, consumers are still not aware about the benefit of net-metering. In this event we will throw light on different aspects of net-metering policy so that our customers can benefit from it.”

“We expect 500 representatives from various industries and academia to attend the conclave. This will provide them a unique opportunity of getting first-hand information on the latest trends and technology of lighting and installation of rooftop solar system”, he added.

“Our estemeed guest CMIA president Gurpreet Singh Bagga and other expert are expected to attend the event”, Maharashtra Energy Minister Chandrashekar Bawankule said.

The conclave is open to participants who have registered themselves for the event.

Source: Times of India

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