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The large flat roof of a school building is a great place for solar panels. Using the space to generate clean solar electricity cuts energy costs and makes a lasting impression on students. So, DPS G School, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon has installed a 6 kW power grid rooftop solar panel in their school in June 2015. Also, they have motivated the community people to install solar panels. The principal of the school, Ms Sangeeta Saxena said, “Not only will these systems contribute to environmental sustainability in our region, but the cost savings will also contribute to the financial stability of our schools in the years ahead.”

Parents, faculty, and the community appreciate a school’s effort to reduce spending while creating a richer learning experience. Students want to be a part of what happens around them. Solar schools bring a real world solar energy experience into the classroom. The principal further said, “Students can become a partner in the daily monitoring of solar generation and any correlation to our energy consumption and cost. We dedicated our curriculum fair to the topic of green energy. School administrators are leaders in their communities. Using solar energy shows leadership in energy efficiency, sustainability, and environmental stewardship. A school with a solar energy system is a better place to work and learn. Beyond the cost savings, solar power is a key component of long-term sustainability strategy as we seek innovative ways to reduce our carbon footprint.” The total electricity generated is 596 kWh. The final calculations showed that the total money saved in a year is Rs 1,135,380.

Courtesy: Ms Renuka Sahu, DPS G School

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