Just 18 per cent of India’s non-rural people live with renewable targets !!!!

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the report has particular significance as several “smart cities” have hold renewables, seeing a significant growth in on-site generation of solar PV. Thirteen cities have renewable energy targets or policies in 2020. This covered 67.6 million people. It highlights the visible steps and investments into renewable energy that cities have taken around the world in order to battle emissions to prevent climate change and air pollution.

The only stock-taking of cities’ energy transition efforts worldwide, and reveals that the number of cities that have enforced partial or complete bans on fossil fuel jumped fivefold in 2020.Over one billion people around the world live in cities with a renewable energy target or policy.

For the second year, 2021 takes the temperature of how cities globally use renewable energy to fight with emissions to prevent air pollution and climate change. More than half of the global population lives in metropolis, which account for three-quarters of global final energy consumption.

A critical factor for the success of cities’ climate strategies is to speedy replace fossil fuels with renewable energy in heating and cooling as well as in transport. These sectors are authority for the biggest share of global emissions, and they are best addressed at the local level

Categories: Solar