LEED CERTIFICATION- Changes Made into LEED O+M certification

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How to Do Initial certifications through v4.1

  • Initial certification can be done through “LEED v4.1 O+M” by entering annual performance data into Arc.
  • Demonstrating compliance with basic LEED prerequisites and optional “base” points.
  • After achieving initial certification properties then trail “LEED v4.1 Recertification” to maintain their certification.


Fees for Certification-  

  • The fees in terms of $/year has not changed but the USGBC has allotted their 5-year recertification fees to 3-years to align with the new cycle.
  • By entering annual performance data (e.g., energy, water, waste, IAQ testing and survey results) into Arc and generating a performance score, the Recertifications through v4.1 Properties can follow recertifications through “LEED v4.1 Recertification”

Arc v3.0- 

  • The USGBC updated the Arc (the performance-based online platform that drives v4.1 O+M certifications) scoring metrics and algorithm as part of their Arc v3.0 rollout.
  • Most property performance scores are increased by 5+ points.

Certification period-

  • Properties are now required to formally submit for recertification every 3 years instead of annually.
  • Building performance data must still be uploaded annually to Arc.
  • Projects that do not update their data annually will no longer be considered certified and will have to repay registration fees when recertifying next.

In spite of the changes made the traditional approach that follows a five-year cycle is still available.

 However, The USGBC has turned to performance-based certifications with v4.1.