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Case 1. Single Family

Option 1. Exhaust Fan in Garage (1 point)

Install in the garage an exhaust fan that is rated at least 75 cfm (35 liters per second) and meets ENERGY STAR cfm/w performance requirements.

Projects that earn the EPA Indoor airPLUS label automatically meet the requirements of Option 1.


Option 2. No Garage, or Detached Garage, or Carport (2 points)

Select one of the following strategies:

Do not construct a garage.

Install a detached garage, defined as a structure that does not share a wall with the home. Install a carport, defined as an open-air space with one complete wall, which may be shared with the home.

Case 2. Multifamily

Option 1. Exhaust Fan in Multicar Garage (1 point)

For a garage that accommodates more than three cars, follow the requirements in ASHRAE 62.1– 2010.

Exhaust the garage sufficiently to create negative pressure with respect to adjacent spaces with the doors to the garage closed.

Provide self-closing doors and deck-to-deck partitions or a hard lid ceiling.


Option 2. Exhaust Fan in Small Garage (1 point)

For a garage that accommodates one, two, or three cars, install an exhaust fan that meets ENERGY STAR minimum efficacy levels (cfm/W); direct-exhaust fans must be 100 cfm (47 liters per second) or greater, and ducted exhaust fans must be 130 cfm (61 liters per second) or greater.

The fan must either run continuously or have an automatic timer control linked to an occupant sensor, a light switch, a garage door opening-closing mechanism, a carbon monoxide sensor that turns on the fan when ambient CO levels reach 35 ppm, or equivalent. Any timer must be set to provide at least three air changes each time the fan is turned on.


Option 3. No Garage, or Detached Garage (2 points)

Select one of the following strategies:

Do not construct a garage.

Install a detached garage, defined as a structure that does not share a wall with the building.


Option 1. Exhaust Fan on Controls in Garage (1 point)

For a garage that accommodates more than three cars, follow the requirements in ASHRAE 62.1– 2010.

Exhaust the garage sufficiently to create negative pressure with respect to adjacent spaces with the doors to the garage closed.

Provide self-closing doors and deck-to-deck partitions or a hard lid ceiling.


Option 2. Detached Garage or No Garage or Carport (1 point)

If a garage is constructed, it may not share a wall with the building.