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Use building component materials that meet one or more of the criteria below.

  • A material must make up 90% of the component by weight or volume, except as noted.
  • A single component that meets Option 1 and Option 2 can earn points for each (0.5 point per item).

Option 1. Local Production

Use products that were extracted, processed, and manufactured locally for the following components. Meet the thresholds in Table 1:

  • framing (0.5 point);
  • aggregate for concrete and foundation (0.5 point);
  • drywall or interior sheathing (0.5 point).
Table 1: Percentage of component to meet local credit
Maximum distance from extraction, processing and manufacturing to project site:% of building component required to meet criteria (0.5 points per component)
Locally: 100 miles (160 km)50%

For renovation projects, existing components meet the requirement for local production.


Option 2. Environmentally Preferable Products

Use products that meet one or more of the following criteria (0.5 points each).

At least 90% of each compliant building component (listed in Table 2), by weight or volume, must meet one of the requirements below. A single component that meets more than one criterion does not earn additional credit.

  •     The product contains at least 25% reclaimed material, including salvaged, refurbished, or reused materials. For renovation projects, existing components are considered reclaimed. Wood by- products can be counted as reclaimed material. These include items from secondary manufacturers; felled, diseased, or dead trees from urban or suburban areas; orchard trees that are unproductive and cut for replacement; and wood recovered from landfills or water bodies.
  • The product contains at least 25% postconsumer or 50% preconsumer content.
  • Wood products must be Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified, or USGBC-approved equivalent.
  •     Bio-based materials. Bio-based products must meet the Sustainable Agriculture Network’s Sustainable Agriculture Standard. Bio-based raw materials must be tested using ASTM Test Method D6866 and be legally harvested, as defined by the exporting and receiving country. Exclude hide products, such as leather and other animal skin material.
  •     Concrete that consists of at least 30% fly ash or slag used as a cement substitute and 50% recycled content or reclaimed aggregate OR 90% recycled content or reclaimed aggregate.
  •     Extended producer responsibility. Products purchased from a manufacturer (producer) that participates in an extended producer responsibility program or is directly responsible for extended producer responsibility.
Table 2. Maximum points for compliant building components
ComponentMaximum points
Flooring – Base floor only (i.e., sealed concrete, no floor covering)2
Floor covering1
Drywall, interior finish1
Concrete: cement and / or aggregate1
Additional components (install at least 3 of the following):     Doors (not including insulated doors or garage door) Cabinets Counters (kitchens and bathrooms) Interior trim Decking or patio material Windows1

* Excluding HVAC and pipe insulation.