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To increase participation in demand response technologies and programs that make energy generation and distribution systems more efficient, increase grid reliability, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Possible Credit Points- 1-2 points

This credit applies to

  • New Construction
  • Core & Shell
  • Schools
  • Retail
  • Data Centers
  • Warehouses & Distribution Centers
  • Hospitality
  • Healthcare
Case 1.

Demand Response Program Available and Participation (2 points)

  • Participate in an existing demand response (DR) program
  • Enroll in a minimum one-year DR participation amount contractual commitment with a qualified DR program provider
Case 2.

Demand Response Capable Building (1 point)

  • Install interval recording meters with communications and ability for the building automation system to accept an external price or control signal.
  • Develop a comprehensive plan for shedding at least 10% of the annual on-peak electricity demand.
  • Include the DR processes in the scope of work .
Case 3.

Load Flexibility and Management Strategies (1-2 points)

  • Analyze the building’s annual load shape and peak load based as calculated for EA prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance
  • All projects must install interval recording meters with communications and the ability for the building automation system to accept an external price signal.