LEED Certification – Requirements for EA CREDIT: RENEWABLE ENERGY

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Non-renewable fuels, also called fossil fuels supply about 80 percent of the world’s total energy consumption. They provide electricity, heat, and transportation and much more. When fossil fuels are burned, they release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which in turn trap heat in our atmosphere, making them the chief contributors to global warming and climate change.

In recent times, the world has become aware of the significant potential of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) as a replacement for non‐renewable fossil fuel energy. The application of renewable energy in sustainable buildings is much more vital to reduce carbon emissions.

Keeping all that is mind LEED in its Green Building Certification has considered use of Renewable Resources a much-needed alternative.

The Intent of this credit is to reduce the environmental and economic harms associated with fossil fuel energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing self-supply of renewable energy and the use of grid-source, renewable energy technologies and carbon mitigation projects.



Use on-site renewable energy systems, procure renewable energy offsite, or purchase Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) or carbon offsets to meet or offset annual building greenhouse gas emissions.

Projects may choose one or more strategies for renewables procurement from the categories below. Points achieved in each category may be added for up to a total of 5 points.

Environmental benefits of all procurement must be retained by the project.

All off-site qualifying resources must be contracted, owned, or leased for at least 15 years.

Existing off-site renewables, EACs and carbon offsets must be procured from projects that have come online or been built within the last 15 years.

Table 1. Points for Renewables Procurement

  Points   On-Site Renewables New Off-Site Renewables Existing Off-Site Renewables Green-e Certified: EACs & Carbon Offsets   EACs & Carbon Offsets
1 2% 20% 60% 100% 150%
2 6% 40% 80% 200%  
3 15% 60% 100% 300%  
4 35% 80%        
5 60% 100%      
EP 100%        

New Off-site Renewables: built within the last year or contracted prior to renewable energy project development.

Existing Off-site Renewables: contracted from an existing renewable energy provider.