LEED CERTIFICATION- Requirements for LT Credit: Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses

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A project that is located inside existing built density and/or which is at a walkable distance to diverse uses such as banks, restaurants, supermarkets, has great advantage for both the project users and the environment since such a project will also contribute to compact development.

Increasing the residential and non-residential densities in an area will reduce vehicle use and consequently also reduce the air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. LEED in v4.1 encourages such activities and thus avail the extra points.

Total no. of Possible Points –     1–6 points

This Credit Applies to –

New Construction (8–16 points), Core & Shell (8–20 points), Schools (8–15 points), Retail (8–16 points), Data Centres (8–16 points), Warehouses & Distribution Centres (8–16 points), Hospitality (8–16 points) & Healthcare (5–9 points)


Option 1. Surrounding Density

(2–3 points BD&C except Core and Shell, 2-4 points Core and Shell)

Locate on a site whose surrounding existing density within a ¼-mile (400-meter) offset of the project boundary meets the values in Table 1.

Use either the “separate residential and nonresidential densities” or the “combined density” values.

Table 1a. Points for average density within 1/4 mile of project (IP units)

Combined density Separate residential and nonresidential densities Points BD&C (except Core and Shell) Points BD&C (Core and Shell)
Square feet per acre of buildable land Residential density (DU/acre) Nonresidential density (FAR)  
22,000 7 0.5 2 2
35,000 12 0.8 3 4

Table 1b. Points for average density within 400 meters of project (SI units)

DU = dwelling unit; FAR = floor-area ratio.

Schools only

Physical education spaces that are part of the project site, such as playing fields and associated buildings used during sporting events only (e.g., concession stands) and playgrounds with play equipment, are excluded from the development density calculations.


Option 2. Diverse Uses (1–2 points)

Construct or renovate a building or a space within a building such that the building’s main entrance is within a ½-mile (800-meter) walking distance from the following number of uses (see Appendix 1), as listed below.

Table 1. Points for proximity to uses

  Uses   Points
4–7 1
≥ 8 2

The following restrictions apply.

  • A use counts as only one type (e.g., a retail store may be counted only once even if it sells products in several categories).
  • No more than two uses in each use type may be counted (e.g. if five restaurants are within walking distance, only two may be counted).
  • The counted uses must represent at least three of the five categories, exclusive of the building’s primary use.


Option 1. Development and Adjacency (2–3 points)

Construct or renovate the project on a previously developed site that was used for industrial or commercial purposes. (2 points).


Construct or renovate the project on a site that is both a previously developed and an adjacent site. The adjacent sites must be currently used for industrial or commercial purposes (3 points).


Option 2. Transportation Resources (1–2 points)

Construct or renovate the project on a site that has two or three (1 point) or four (2 points) of the following transportation resources:

  • The site is within a 10-mile (16 kilometer) driving distance of a main logistics hub, defined as an airport, seaport, intermodal facility, or freight village with intermodal transportation.
  • The site is within a 1-mile (1600-meter) driving distance of an on-off ramp to a highway.
  • The site is within a 1-mile (1600-meter) driving distance of an access point to an active freight rail line.
  • The site is served by an active freight rail spur.

In all cases, a planned transportation resource must be sited, funded, and under construction by the date of the certificate of occupancy and complete within 24 months of that date.

Requirements for HEALTHCARE centres

Option 1. Surrounding Density (1 point)

Locate on a site whose surrounding existing density within a ¼-mile (400-meter) offset of the project boundary is:

  1. At least 7 dwelling units per acre (17.5 DU per hectare) with a 0.5 floor-area ratio. The counted density must be existing density, not zoned density, or
  2. At least 22,000 square feet per acre (5 050 square meters per hectare) of buildable land.

For previously developed existing rural healthcare campus sites, achieve a minimum development density of 30,000 square feet per acre (6890 square meters per hectare).


Option 2. Diverse Uses (1 point)

Construct or renovate a building on a site such that the building’s main entrance is within a ½-mile (800- meter) walking distance of the main entrance of at least seven operational and publicly accessible uses (listed in Appendix 1).

The following restrictions apply.

  • A use may be counted as only one type (e.g., a retail store may be counted only once even if it sells products in several categories).
  • No more than two uses in each use type may be counted (e.g., if five restaurants are within walking distance, only two may be counted).
  • The counted uses must represent at least three of the five categories, exclusive of the building’s primary use.