Leveraging Arc Skoru for Building Performance: Insights from Indian Case Studies

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Arc Skoru, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), has become a cornerstone for buildings seeking to enhance their sustainability and operational efficiency globally, including India. This platform supports buildings in tracking their performance across various sustainability metrics such as energy usage, water conservation, waste management, and more. In India, where rapid urban development is ongoing, Arc has proven instrumental in helping buildings optimize their environmental footprint and achieve LEED certification.

The Role of Arc in Sustainable Building Management

Arc offers a comprehensive scoring system that evaluates building performance on a scale from 0 to 100 across five key categories: energy, water, waste, transportation, and human experience. This scoring helps facility managers identify areas needing improvement and devise strategies to enhance overall sustainability. Arc’s capabilities are particularly beneficial for buildings aiming for LEED certification, providing the necessary framework to measure, verify, and sustain performance standards required by such certifications.

Key Features of Arc:
  • Performance Scoring: Arc evaluates buildings based on data-driven inputs across essential sustainability metrics, providing a clear picture of performance and areas for improvement.
  • Benchmarking and Insights: The platform enables buildings to benchmark their performance against similar properties both locally and globally, offering valuable insights for setting realistic and achievable sustainability goals.
  • Support for LEED Certification: Arc is critical for buildings pursuing LEED certification, ensuring they meet and maintain the standards required for obtaining and retaining this prestigious certification.

Arc in Action: Case Studies from India

Several high-profile buildings and projects in India have successfully utilized Arc to monitor and enhance their sustainability efforts. These case studies serve as exemplary models of how technology can drive environmental responsibility in building management.

Indian Success Stories:
  • DLF Office Complexes: One of India’s leading real estate developers, DLF, has integrated Arc into its sustainability strategy across various properties. By continuously monitoring and improving building performance, DLF’s complexes have seen substantial enhancements in energy efficiency and water conservation, contributing positively to their LEED certification goals.
  • Infosys Campuses: Known for its commitment to sustainability, Infosys has employed Arc to optimize operations across its sprawling tech campuses. This approach has not only improved their LEED certification status but also significantly reduced operational costs and environmental impact.

Implementing Arc: A Step-by-Step Overview

Utilizing Arc involves a straightforward process that facilities can easily integrate into their existing operations. The platform’s user-friendly interface ensures that even those new to sustainability can effectively use it to track and improve their building’s performance.

Getting Started with Arc:
  1. Project Registration: Users register their building project on the Arc platform.
  2. Data Input: Key performance data is systematically inputted for analysis.
  3. Performance Analysis: Arc provides detailed scores and identifies improvement areas.
  4. Continuous Improvement: Regular monitoring and data updates help sustain and enhance building performance, aiding in ongoing LEED compliance.


Arc Skoru has revolutionized the way buildings manage their environmental performance, offering a detailed, measurable approach to sustainability. In India, where the push for green buildings is intensifying, Arc serves as a vital tool for developers and facility managers aiming to enhance their building operations while reducing their ecological impact.

Enhancing Building Performance with Firstgreen Consulting

As organizations strive to improve their sustainability, partnering with experts like Firstgreen Consulting can provide additional leverage. Firstgreen offers specialized services in guiding buildings through the LEED certification process, optimizing energy management systems, and integrating renewable energy solutions. Their expertise ensures that buildings not only achieve but exceed their sustainability targets, making significant strides in their environmental and operational performance.


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