LM Wind Power Sets up €25-m Turbine Blade Plant at Halol

Danish wind turbine blades maker LM Wind Power commissioned its second manufacturing facility in India at Halol near Vadodara with an investment of €25 million (about Rs 190 crore). With the commissioning of the new plant, LM Wind Power’s total installed capacity in the country has increased to 1.6 GW per annum, which includes 1 GW from its existing facility at Dabaspet in Karnataka. Buoyed by the government’s emphasis on renewable energy sources for generating electricity, the company has set an ambitious revenue target of Rs 1,200 crore for 2016 against Rs 760 crore in 2015. “We are very optimistic about the growth of the wind energy sector in India with the government setting a target of 60 GW by 2022. We have over 20 years of experience of operations in India,” said Marc de Jong, CEO of the company.
The Halol plant is spread across 50 acres, employs over 400 workers from nearby villages, and has capacity to build blades up to 60 metres in length. The company also has a global technical centre for research, development, and services in Bangalore. It plans to enhance its existing installed capacity of 1.6 GW per annum to 2.5 GW per annum in the next 2–3 years with an additional estimated investment of €13 million.
Source: www.thehindubusinessline.com