Market Design and Regulation: Driving the Smart Electrification of Heat and Cooling

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Innovations in market design and regulation play a pivotal role in driving the electrification of the heating and cooling sector, primarily through power-to-heat strategies and technologies. The development of smart tariffs, flexible power purchase agreements (PPAs), improved building codes, and streamlined permitting procedures present new opportunities to transform this sector and support the broader energy transition.

Electricity Market Design

Dynamic Tariffs

Dynamic tariffs, which vary over time or by location depending on conditions in the power system, offer a particularly promising avenue. These tariffs introduce price signals that incentivize both consumers and system operators to optimize electricity use, thereby reducing costs.

For instance, by raising electricity prices during peak consumption hours, consumers are encouraged to use less energy for heating or cooling, lowering peak loads. Conversely, low prices during periods of high renewable energy availability encourage greater energy use, preventing unnecessary curtailment of renewable sources.

Flexibility Provision by Thermal Loads

Flexibility provision by thermal loads, where the operation of heating or cooling systems adjusts according to the electricity supply, offers another mechanism for balancing the grid. This flexibility can be harnessed to accommodate fluctuations in renewable energy production.

Flexible Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)

Flexible PPAs are another innovation to consider. These contracts between buyers and sellers of power allow for varying amounts of energy delivery over time, accommodating the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources like wind and solar.

End-Use Sector Regulation and Incentives

Policy support through end-use sector regulation and incentives is crucial to fostering a conducive environment for these technologies. Standards and certification for heat pump operation can promote the adoption of these efficient devices, while energy efficiency programs for buildings and industries can further drive down energy demand.

Moreover, building codes can be adapted to facilitate power-to-heat/cooling solutions, and streamlined permitting procedures can expedite the deployment of thermal infrastructure.

These innovations in market design and regulation, as shown in Figure 6.8, not only help reduce energy costs and peak loads, but they also contribute to the overall flexibility of the energy system. This is instrumental in integrating a high share of variable renewable energy, accelerating the decarbonization of the energy system, and ultimately shaping a more sustainable future.

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