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Shri Upendra Tripathy, who made a mark in administration in different positions during his service period, retired from services as the Secretary of the New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, on October 31, 2016.

RE Tweet from the Minister
The Hon’ble Minister Shri Piyush Goyal and Shri Upendra Tripathy along with the latter’s family members.

Some of the highlights of his remarkable career include bringing the National Solar Mission on a fast track and the launch of the International Solar Alliance during the COP21 Summit in Paris. Some other milestones that were achieved during his tenure include: Decision on 1,00,000 MW as enhanced target from renewables which was further enhanced to 175 GW by the Government; RE-INVEST 2015 and its continuation as a biannual event; Renaming of three R&D Institutes (NISE, NIWE, and NIBE) as National Institutes; Green Flagging of World Renewable Energy Museum; Idea of a Renewable Energy University; Establishment of Association for Renewable Energy Agencies of States (AREAS); Launching of Offshore Wind Policy and Repowering Policy; Development of 34 Solar Parks across India; Bringing Renewable Energy Investments upto Rs 15 crore under Priority Sector Lending; A special scheme for 1,00,000 solar pumps for farmers; Launch for creation of 50,000 ‘Suryamitras’ Special emphasis on Grid Connected Solar Rooftop scheme; Enhancement in Ministry’s budget from Rs 1,500 crore to Rs 9,000 crore by 2016–17.

The entire family of MNRE and the Akshay Urja team bid adieu and wish good luck to Shri Upendra Tripathy in all his future endeavours!

Source: MNRE

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