Pre consideration before finalizing solar rooftop system

Published by firstgreen on


  1. Is the owner of the roof the owner of the solar PV system?
  2. Have you assessed the revenue streams or avoided costs of the project?
  3. Have you assessed system configuration options for a specific project?
  4. Are you aware of the costs of the different system configurations?
  5. Do you know the load profile of your electricity consumption?
  6. Have you checked whether net metering arrangements are offered by your local utility?
  7. If you opt for a solar lease, have you checked companies that offer solar lease agreements?
  8. Is the rooftop in general suitable for a PV installation, with regard to structural stability, orientation and tilt?
  9. If the roof cannot be used, is it possible to install the PV system on the ground, i.e., in the yard, on a covered carport or as a veranda awning?
  10. Is the intended PV system location free of shading from chimneys, trees, nearby buildings and hills?
  11. Do you know what the solar PV system capacity should be (determination of needed electricity and amount to be generated by the PV system)?
  12. Do you know what the dimensions of the PV system installation should be (determination of installation area needed)?
  13. Is the plot that is set aside large enough?
  14. Is the plot that is set aside accessible?
  15. What should be the specifications of the PV system: grid-tied, off-grid, battery storage, back-up?
  16. Is access to the utility grid straightforward?