PV Plus Energy Systems will find be attractive for C&I consumers who are deprived for net metering benefits

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The falling price of energy storage systems and new developments in lithium and technologies have led to re-consideration of PV plus energy storage systems in recent years. The PV plus energy storage system is also important for commercial and industrial clients who may want to have energy storage availability to mitigate The impact of netmetering being withdrawn from commercial and industrial clients.
The energy storage systems use in solar power plants are typically lithium ion based battery banks which are rated in the units of MPR hours and multiplied by cell voltages to estimate the overall energy storage capacity in kilowatt hours. The energy storage rating is important as it determines how long the batteries can be discharged and how much power back up the batteries can provide at a particular delivery of kilowatts. For example 100 kW system with 1000 KWH battery bank Will be able to provide power back up of hundred kilowatt for 10 hours. While selecting the energy storage system it is important to consider the battery replacement cost and the life of the battery. The lead acid batteries typically have 3 to 5 years life while the lithium ion batteries can be lasting for 10 years.

The energy storage systems in PV projects are used For frequency regulations in grid substations, microgrid projects in interior villages and power back up In case of commercial and industrial applications. As netmetering is being withdrawn in commercial and industrial consumers the baby and energy storage system will find more applications in case of commercial and industrial clients who are looking for solar installation and or deprived for the netmetering benefits.

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