Q: Does my building envelope comply prescriptively with the ECBC?

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Prescriptive Requirements for Fenestration

Location                       :  Gurugram

Climate Zone               :  Composite (Lat: 28° 42’ N; Long: 77° 54’ E)

Building Type               : Daytime Use Building

Roof Area                     : 409 m2

Roof Insulation            : Rigid Board 25 mm with R = 2.1 m2·K/W

Wall Area                      : 930 m2

Wall Insulation             :  Rigid Board 25 mm with R = 1.41 m2·K/W

Total Fenestration Area: 473 m2

Window to Wall ratio   : 409/930 = 44%

East/West and South facing windows are all 1.82880m × 0.91440m with a 0.45720 m overhang and represent 75% of the glazing on the building.

Projection Factor          :  H/V = 0.45720/1.82880 = 0.25

“M” factor                    :  0.79

(From ECBC Table 4.4, Projection Factor=0.25, E/W and S orientation for north latitude 15° or greater)

East/West and South facing glazing         : 409 × 0.75 = 306.75 m2 East/West and South facing Fenestration  : SHGC 0.20; U – factor 3.30 East/West and South Facing Fenestration: Skylight Area 6.2 m2

A: To utilize the prescriptive requirements of ECBC, vertical fenestration is limited to 60% of the gross wall area, so this building is allowed under this method.

ECBC Table 4.3 limits the SHGC value to a maximum of 0.20 for composite climate zone, however an exception exists by use of an overhang. ECBC §4.3.3 allows for an “M” Factor, or multiplier. In this case the M is 0.79. Multiplying “M” times the SHGC [0.7900 × 0.20=0.1580] and thus complies with ECBC Table 4.3.

ECBC Table 4.3: Comfort Requirements and Physical Manifestations in Buildings


Thermal Requirements Physical Manifestation
Reduce Heat Gain
Decrease exposed surface area Orientation and shape of building
Increase thermal resistance Insulation of building envelope
Increase thermal capacity (Time lag) Massive structure
Increase buffer spaces Air locks/lobbies/balconies/verandahs
Decrease air exchange rate (ventilation during day-time) Smaller windows openings, night ventilation