Quiz Yourself: Understanding Zero Waste and Zero Waste Facilities

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Are you an aspiring TRUE Advisor or simply interested in learning more about zero waste? Module 2 of the TRUE Advisor training delves into the overview of zero waste and the characteristics of a zero waste facility. To help you assess your understanding of these concepts, we have put together ten multiple choice questions for you. So, grab a pen and paper, and let’s get started!

Here are ten multiple choice questions related to the overview of Zero Waste and the Zero Waste Facility, based on the Module 2 of the TRUE Advisor training:

  1. Q: What is the primary goal of zero waste philosophy?
    • A. To recycle all materials
    • B. To minimize but not necessarily eliminate waste
    • C. To systematically avoid and eliminate waste generation
    • D. To compost all organic waste Answer: C. To systematically avoid and eliminate waste generation
  2. Q: Which of these is NOT a key component of a zero waste economy?
    • A. Reduction
    • B. Reuse
    • C. Redesign
    • D. Incineration Answer: D. Incineration
  3. Q: Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a Zero Waste Facility?
    • A. Maximizing Recycling
    • B. Minimal Emphasis on Reuse
    • C. Environmentally Friendly Procurement
    • D. Education and Engagement Answer: B. Minimal Emphasis on Reuse
  4. Q: In a zero waste facility, what is considered a failure in the design process?
    • A. Efficient resource use
    • B. Waste generation
    • C. Recycling
    • D. Composting Answer: B. Waste generation
  5. Q: Which is the first step towards achieving zero waste?
    • A. Planning
    • B. Assessment
    • C. Implementation
    • D. Commitment Answer: D. Commitment
  6. Q: What is the role of a waste audit in a zero waste plan?
    • A. To understand the types and quantities of waste generated
    • B. To determine the budget for waste management
    • C. To decide which materials can be incinerated
    • D. To find suitable landfill sites Answer: A. To understand the types and quantities of waste generated
  7. Q: Which of the following is a key performance indicator in a zero waste plan?
    • A. The number of employees trained
    • B. The number of waste management meetings held
    • C. The amount of waste generated, recycled, and sent to landfills
    • D. The number of recycling bins placed in the facility Answer: C. The amount of waste generated, recycled, and sent to landfills
  8. Q: What is the ultimate disposal method in a zero waste plan?
    • A. Recycling
    • B. Composting
    • C. Landfills
    • D. None of the above Answer: D. None of the above
  9. Q: Which of the following is NOT a strategy for achieving zero waste?
    • A. Waste prevention
    • B. Redesigning processes
    • C. Promoting reusable products
    • D. Encouraging the production of single-use items Answer: D. Encouraging the production of single-use items
  10. Q: What does ‘continuous improvement’ imply in a zero waste plan?
    • A. Continually increasing the waste generated
    • B. Regularly reviewing and revising the zero waste plan
    • C. Implementing the zero waste plan without any changes
    • D. Training employees only once at the beginning of the zero waste journey Answer: B. Regularly reviewing and revising the zero waste plan