Renewable Energy Record Achieved at London Array

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London Array has set a new record for the amount of clean electricity produced by an offshore wind farm in a single calendar month. December 2015 saw its 175 turbines generate 369,000 MWh of electricity—considerably above target and well above the previous best of 317,000 MWh set last November. The capacity factor for the month, which saw average wind speeds of 11.9 m/s (27 mph), was 78.9 per cent. The two successive months of production brought net overall output for the year to some 2,500,000 MWh, enough to meet the needs of more than 600,000 UK households. Jonathan Duffy, General Manager of London Array, which is the world’s largest operational offshore wind farm, said, “Both the monthly and annual figures are excellent results for London Array and show the contribution we are making to the country’s energy supply as well as the UK’s renewable energy targets. Our performance is also good news for the environment as it will have prevented the release of some 1,075,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2015, the main gas linked to climate change.”


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