SMA drives development of photovoltaics with research projects and studies

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The energy supply is becoming increasingly local, digital, and interconnected worldwide. Cost-effective and sustainable power generation using photovoltaics has now become established as a mainstay of the system. To drive this development with innovations and generate a high level of customer benefit, SMA Solar Technology AG (SMA) collaborates internationally with research institutes and industrial partners from other relevant fields. The results of the joint research projects and studies accelerate the integration and interconnection of photovoltaic systems, make them even more user-friendly, and contribute to further cost reductions.

“As we approach the fully decentralized and digital energy supply of the future, the complexity of the system is increasing enormously,” said SMA CEO Jürgen Reinert. “No market participant can handle this complexity alone. The key to a rapid and cost-effective reorganization of the world’s energy supply is therefore technological innovation developed collectively by experts from different fields. SMA is therefore not only investing in its own research and development, but is also initiating and participating in research projects and studies with diverse other players from science and industry. The research findings are helping us make a crucial contribution to the future of a sustainable, cost-effective and secure energy supply based on renewable energy sources and offer our customers the most appropriate and efficient solutions.”

Focus on reliable, grid-supporting solutions with a high level of customer benefit
In the last two years alone, SMA participated in around 25 research projects and studies. The focus was on the development of grid-supporting, efficient, reliable, and sustainably cost-effective solutions. The topics range from a research project with the University of Kassel, HAW Hamburg and selected industrial partners on the use of artificial intelligence for more efficient and reliable photovoltaic and storage systems to a study by the University of Southern Denmark, which shows that, in most applications, PV systems with modern string inverters with integrated shade management can achieve higher yields and at lower cost than PV systems with conventional module optimizers. Further projects are already being planned. For example, February 1 will see the start of a joint research project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy with Enercon, Fraunhofer IEE and other industry and research partners on the combination of photovoltaics and wind in large stand-alone utility grids with 100  percent renewable energy.

“SMA will keep pursuing this path and has therefore geared the corporate strategy toward customer focus and cooperation with partners,” said Jürgen Reinert.

Source: SMA Solar

Categories: Solar