Solar Power Connection in Three phase and Single Phase

Published by firstgreen on

Before installating solar powerplant one should know about the connection they have in their houses i.e either that may be 3 phase or 1 phase. So first of all we will discuss about three phase and single phase connection.

Both single phase and three phase electricity are used to  transmit and distribute electricity.It depends on the equipment you have in your house and amount of electricity you require for operation of your house that decides the connection you need for your house.

What is Single phase connection?

Single phase connection is a connection where one phase and one neutral wire is supplied to your house by nearest discom.In case when your house has single phase connection in that case electricity flows in and out through singlr phase.

What is Three phase connection ?

Three phase and single phase equipment connection from three phase supply

Three phase connection is a connection where three phase and one neutral wire is supplied to your house by nearest discom.

Three phase electricity entering your house is sepearted by three separate phase.

Diffferent devices will be powered by different phases.Like your lighting load will run on one phase while other heavy loads runs on different phase.

Three phase is required for AC & three phase motors.

A image has been shown on right to understand how three phase and single phase connection from three phase supply are connected.

In Three Phase & single phase connection the point which we have to understand that we will never get woried regarding the connection we have in our house but when we install solar then we have to know about the connection in our house.

In that case if we need to install solar powerplant in our home then phases detection matters the most because the vendor has to procure the inverter based on your connection.Suppose if you have single phase connection in your then single phase solar string inverter has to procure and if someone has three phase connection in there house then the vendor has to procure three phase inverter.

However in India maximum 10 kW load is permissable under single phase supply but it also differs state by state wise.

Now let us define why solar inverter is used in solar powerplants?

The photovoltaics modules generates Direct Current (DC) but our equipments which we use in our house requires Alternating Current(AC) supply so we need to convert the DC which is generated from photovoltaic to AC  by inverter so that we can use the power in our house .

Different types of connection techniques which can be adopted by solar vendors for installation in case of 3 phasse connection

  1. In first Case the vendor can install one single phase inverter in anyone phase but that can bedone by knowing proper loads on each phase otherwise there will be two possibilities as mentioned below

a) If the solar system is too large, the inverter could ‘trip out’ if the voltage for that phase goes to high.

b) the solar energy may not flow to the phase where it is needed most

2. In the second case one can install three single phase inverter on each phase.

3. In the third case vendor can install a single three phasse inverter to fed all the three phase of your houses that means all the load can be feed at the same time wherever needed.

Among all the three cases third case is best in all aspects i.e in terms of technical as well as  commercial.So as per commercial aspect  if you install three siingle phase inverters on each three phase then that may cost much higher than one three phase inverter and as per technical aspect if you install three single phase inverter in three phases then sometimes it may happen that in one phase the inverter feds more  power than required or  one phase requires more power but inverter genertes less.So keeping this points in mind we can conclue that three phase inverter should be used for three phase connection supply.


So after reading all these we can conclude on a point that system sizing is very much dependent on the type of connections customer has in their house.