Solar PV System Design for ECBC Compliance

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As per ECBC, All buildings shall have provisions for installation of renewable energy systems in the future on rooftops or the site. Renewable Energy Generating Zone (REGZ) : This is the area dedicated to the renewable energy system e.g Solar PV system. Following are some of the system area requirements:

(a) For an ECBC compliance Building: A dedicated REGZ equivalent to at least 25 % of roof area or area required for generation of energy equivalent to 1% of total peak demand or the connected load of the building, whichever is less, shall be provided in all buildings

(b) The REGZ shall be free of any obstructions within its boundaries and from shadows cast by objects adjacent to the zone
(c) ECBC+ and SuperECBC building shall fulfil the additional requirements listed in Table 7-5 and Table 7-6 respectively in ECBC 2017.


Minimum Solar Zone Area/Renewable Energy Generating Zone Requirement for ECBC+ Building

Minimum Solar Zone Area/Renewable Energy Generating Zone Requirement for SuperECBC Building