Step by step method to comply to the IGBC Green Landscape criteria for Green Area Ratio

Published by firstgreen on

Green areas provide several benefits to our environment, including improving air quality, reducing noise pollution, and enhancing the aesthetic value of the site. The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has established standards for green area ratios to promote sustainable design practices. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide to comply with the IGBC Landscape Credit for Green Area Ratio on site and summarize the required documentation in a table.

Step-by-Step Method to Comply with IGBC Landscape Credit for Green Area Ratio on Site

Step 1: Calculate the Total Landscape Area

The first step is to calculate the total landscape area by identifying all the areas on the site that are not covered by buildings or other structures.

Step 2: Calculate the Green Cover

Calculate the green cover by identifying all the areas covered with vegetation to the ground. Exclude vegetation on built structures such as roofs, basement, and podiums, and potted plants from the calculations.

Step 3: Calculate the Hardscape Area

Calculate the hardscape area by subtracting the green cover area from the total landscape area.

Step 4: Ensure 70% Green Cover

Ensure that at least 70% of the total landscape area has green cover to the ground. This means that for every 100 square meters of total landscape area, 70 square meters must have green cover to the ground.

Step 5: Increase Green Cover

To achieve additional points, increase the green cover to more than 80% of the total landscape area.

Step 6: Landscape Plan

Prepare a landscape plan showing the area covered with vegetation and hardscape within the site. The plan should also indicate the location of existing water bodies and heritage structures that are excluded from the credit calculations.

Table Summary of Required Documentation for IGBC Landscape Credit for Green Area Ratio on Site

Green Cover NarrativeDescription of the green cover provided on the site.
Vegetated Area CalculationsCalculations showing the vegetated area and hardscape area within the site.
Landscape PlanPlan showing the area covered with vegetation and hardscape within the site, including the location of existing water bodies and heritage structures.


Complying with the IGBC Landscape Credit for Green Area Ratio on site requires a comprehensive approach to ensure that the required percentage of green cover is provided to the ground. By following the steps outlined in this article, we can promote sustainable design practices and contribute to a healthier environment.