Steps to achieve reduce credit compliance for TRUE Certification

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Review current processes: The first step is to review the organization’s current processes, including manufacturing activities and interactions with vendors and suppliers, to identify areas where waste can be reduced. This involves documenting the materials used and wasted by commodity.

Implement waste tracking programs: To eliminate waste before it occurs, organizations should implement waste tracking programs that enable them to identify inefficiencies and make proactive adjustments. This involves adopting a data-driven approach to waste reduction that is focused on continuous improvement.

Adopt packaging reduction goals: To reduce waste, organizations should adopt a goal to reduce the overall size and amount of product packaging. This involves exploring alternative packaging materials and design options, as well as working with vendors and suppliers to identify opportunities for waste reduction.

Go paperless: Going paperless for at least one major office function is an effective way to reduce waste and conserve resources. This involves identifying opportunities to replace paper-based processes with digital alternatives, such as electronic forms and signatures.

Set printers to duplex print: Another effective way to reduce waste is to set all printers to duplex print. This involves configuring printers to automatically print on both sides of the paper, which can significantly reduce paper usage and waste.

Organizations can reduce the quantity of waste produced during processes, resulting in cost and energy savings by following these steps. Additionally, these efforts can contribute to a more sustainable resource management system and help organizations achieve TRUE certification.