TATA Power-DDL in its bid to promote Green Energy organised ‘Solarize Shakurbasti’

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In line with the Delhi Government’s Solar Policy Initiatives, Tata Power-DDL organised ‘Solarize Shakurbasti’. Shakurbasti is a prominent area in North Delhi with more than 10,000 houses. The Power Minister of Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Satyendra Jain graced the occasion and addressed the gathering, highlighting several initiatives being taken by Delhi Govt. and Tata Power DDL to promote clean energy. More than three hundred representatives from RWAs across North Delhi attended the programme.

Residential Sector has to play a big role in solar power development in Delhi. There is a huge potential, but so far, solar development in this sector is yet to catch up. Delhi Govt. is giving a Generation Based Incentive of Rs. 2.00 per unit of solar generation for first 5 years. Also, 30 percent capital subsidy is being provided for domestic consumers, housing societies, institutional and social sector in IPGCL scheme. This is both for CAPEX and RESCO mode, where Tata Power-DDL consumers do not have to make any upfront investments. 

The company has conducted several workshops in 60 + RWAs in its area. Today, company is geared up for mass adoption of rooftop solar by its consumers through a favourable policy environment in Delhi. As on date 656 consumers in the company’s distribution area have installed rooftop solar with total capacity of 25 MWp. 324 of these consumers are Domestic Consumers. However, as per a study done by the company with USTDA, the estimated rooftop solar potential in North Delhi is 400 MW.

Tata Power DDL has always been focussed towards combating Climate Change, Energy Savings & Peak Load Reduction through use of Solar and by providing value added services to its consumers by facilitating solar rooftop projects. The company has created ‘Solar Brand Ambassadors’ among its consumers who have pioneered solar projects in their respective areas.

Company provides Single Window solution for consumers where all benefits for solar project, solar calculator, and registration for installation of solar project can be made by consumers through its Solar Microsite. The company is also working with World Bank and US – India Collaboration Project for promotion of rooftop solar among its residential consumers and with GIZ & Tata Cleantech to promote rooftop solar among industrial and commercial consumers as well. 

Commenting on the initiative, Sanjay Banga, CEO, TATA Power-DDL said, “We strongly support the Delhi Govt.’s vision to Solarise Delhi and believe that this initiative will go a long way in promoting the use of clean power. TATA Power-DDL has been an active participant in the promotion of solar energy. We are constantly working towards providing clean and green energy to our consumers and encouraging them to harness solar power in order to ensure energy security for all.”

Source: Energy Next

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