The Revolutionary 100 MW Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage in Zhangjiakou City

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The 21st century has heralded a seismic shift in global energy consumption patterns. As the world veers towards sustainable energy sources, Zhangbei Giant Energy Co., Ltd., an offshoot of the influential Giant Energy, has taken a pioneering leap with the National Demonstration Project of 100 MW Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province.

Partnerships and Contributions

This ambitious undertaking wouldn’t have seen the light of day without some of the most revered names in the industry. The Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences has played a pivotal role as the technology provider. Ensuring that the project is well-equipped, China Reserve National Energy (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. took the mantle of equipment provision. The entire project was seamlessly brought together under the expertise of the Fourth Hydropower Bureau of China Power Construction Corporation, the chief contracting unit.

Project Milestones

The conception of this groundbreaking initiative dates back to 2018. With unwavering determination and meticulous planning, the main civil construction phase culminated in August 2021. Fast forward to December 2021, the integration of the main equipment and system was finalized. As the curtains fell on 2022, the project achieved a monumental feat by successfully connecting to the grid on December 31, propelling it into the trial operation phase.

Distinguishing Features and Advantages

  • Durability: The project stands out for its longevity. Mechanical equipment integrated into the system boasts a service lifespan spanning between 30 to 50 years.
  • Efficiency at Its Best: Through an optimal recovery process of both heat and cold energy during storage and release, an impressive energy storage efficiency of 70% is achieved.
  • Magnanimity in Scale: A whopping 100MW single power with the capacity to store an enormous 400,000 kWh, rendering the Zhangjiakou project as one of its kind.
  • Economic Viability: Economies of scale play in favor, driving down the marginal cost. Astonishingly, the lowest kWh cost stands at a mere 0.2 yuan (approx. 0.32 cents).
  • Safety Paramount: Ensuring utmost safety, the system is devoid of explosion risks. The system’s peak pressure remains within the medium pressure pipeline’s designated value.
  • Freedom from Geographical Restrictions: A significant upgrade from traditional methods, the novel compressed air energy storage system employs storage tanks to house liquid air, eliminating dependency on specific geographical terrains like rock or salt caves.
  • Holistic Energy Storage: The project’s comprehensive energy storage technology stands out. The cold storage system supplies cold energy to central air conditioners, while the heat storage system offers a heat source for residential heating.
  • Environmental Consciousness: Commitment to a green future, the system is free from fossil fuel dependencies, ensuring zero emission of harmful substances.

Firstgreen Consulting: The Beacon of Renewable Energy Consulting

As the world gradually recognizes the importance of renewable energy, entities like Firstgreen Consulting are pioneering the way. Specializing in the domains of solar, wind, and energy storage technologies, Firstgreen offers a gamut of consulting services. Catering to diverse project life cycle requirements, its services range from initial feasibility studies to the final commissioning and operation phases.

Being a torchbearer of sustainable practices, Firstgreen actively assists businesses in their shift towards eco-friendly energy alternatives. Their strategies are meticulously crafted to optimize energy utilization, curtail carbon footprints, and ultimately achieve sustainability objectives. With extensive research and a keen focus on renewables and energy efficiency, Firstgreen stands firm in its commitment to countering climate change effectively.


The journey towards a sustainable future is rife with challenges. Yet, with innovative projects like the 100 MW Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage and consulting giants like Firstgreen, the path looks promising. As technology evolves and the world leans more towards renewable sources, such projects not only set benchmarks but also instill hope for a cleaner, greener tomorrow.

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