Trading solar RECs at IEX platform

Published by firstgreen on

reen power trading can be done on the Indian Electricity Exchange (IEX) through the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) mechanism. The REC mechanism was introduced in India to promote renewable energy generation and to facilitate the trading of green power.

Here is how green power trading can be done on the Indian Electricity Exchange:

  1. Renewable energy generators, such as wind and solar power plants, can generate RECs for every 1 MWh of electricity they generate. These RECs can then be sold to buyers who need to meet their Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPOs).
  2. Electricity distribution companies, open access consumers, and captive power plants are obligated to purchase a certain percentage of their electricity from renewable sources. These obligations are called RPOs.
  3. The RECs can be traded on the IEX through an online platform. Buyers can purchase RECs to meet their RPOs, and sellers can sell their RECs to generate revenue.
  4. The IEX provides a transparent and efficient platform for buyers and sellers to trade RECs. The platform facilitates the discovery of market-based prices for RECs and ensures that the transactions are settled in a timely manner.
  5. The RECs are tracked and verified by the Central Agency, which is responsible for maintaining a registry of RECs and ensuring the transparency and integrity of the REC trading process.

In summary, green power trading can be done on the Indian Electricity Exchange through the REC mechanism. The IEX provides a transparent and efficient platform for buyers and sellers to trade RECs, which helps to promote renewable energy generation and facilitate the transition to a greener energy future.

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