TRUE Certification: Meeting the Seven Minimum Program Requirements for Sustainable Waste Management

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TRUE certification is an assessment-based program that rates how well facilities perform in minimizing their non-hazardous solid wastes and maximizing their efficiency in the use of resources. To achieve and maintain TRUE certification, organizations must meet minimum program requirements that promote sustainable waste management practices. In this article, we will discuss the seven minimum program requirements for TRUE certification.

  1. Zero Waste Policy: A company or project seeking certification must have a zero waste policy in place. This policy should promote waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and other sustainable waste management practices.
  2. Overall Diversion: The project must achieve an average 90% or greater overall diversion from landfill, incineration (WTE), and the environment for solid, non-hazardous wastes. Diverted materials should be reduced, reused, recycled, composted and/or recovered for productive use in nature or the economy.
  3. Compliance with Regulations: The project must meet all federal, state/provincial, and local solid waste and recycling laws and regulations. The project must also comply with all air, water, and land discharge permits required for the collection, handling, or processing of materials.
  4. Waste Diversion Data: The project must have data documenting a base year of waste diversion data and measurements since the base year that adjust for changes in size, type, and nature of business.
  5. Contamination Level: The project must not exceed a 10% contamination level for any materials that leave the site. Contamination refers to the presence of non-targeted materials in waste streams, such as food waste in a recycling stream.
  6. Annual Reporting: The project must submit 12 months of waste diversion data to GBCI annually to keep the certification current. This data should demonstrate the project’s continued compliance with the minimum program requirements.
  7. Case Study: The company must submit a case study of zero waste initiatives to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable waste management practices.

In conclusion, these seven minimum program requirements are essential for achieving and maintaining TRUE certification. By implementing these policies and practices, organizations can promote sustainable waste management practices, reduce their environmental impact, and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. TRUE certification provides a framework for organizations to improve their waste management practices and become leaders in sustainable waste management. By meeting these minimum program requirements, organizations can achieve and maintain TRUE certification and become leaders in sustainable waste management practices.