TRUE Certification: Training and Leadership credits

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TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) certification includes training and leadership credits as part of its program requirements. These credits help facilities to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and their efforts to reduce waste and conserve resources.

The training and leadership credits for TRUE certification include the following:

  1. Employee training: Facilities must provide training to their employees on waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting practices. This training helps employees to understand the importance of sustainable waste management and their role in reducing waste.
  2. Leadership: Facilities must demonstrate leadership in sustainable waste management by implementing policies and practices that promote zero waste goals and conserve resources. This can include efforts such as reducing packaging waste, implementing composting programs, and promoting reuse.
  3. Community engagement: Facilities must demonstrate their commitment to sustainability by engaging with their community and promoting waste reduction and resource conservation efforts. This can include efforts such as outreach and education, community composting programs, and partnerships with local organizations.
  4. Continuous improvement: Facilities must demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement in their waste management efforts by regularly evaluating and updating their policies and practices. This can include efforts such as tracking and reporting on their waste diversion efforts, identifying and addressing areas for improvement, and incorporating new technologies and best practices.

Overall, the training and leadership credits for TRUE certification help facilities to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and their efforts to reduce waste and conserve resources. By meeting these requirements, facilities can gain recognition for their efforts and set an example for others in their industry to follow.

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