TRUE CERTIFICATION: Zero waste reporting

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TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) certification requires facilities to demonstrate their commitment to zero waste principles and practices. This includes reporting on their efforts to divert waste from landfills and minimize their environmental impact.

The zero waste reporting requirements for TRUE certification include the following:

  1. Waste stream analysis: Facilities must conduct a comprehensive analysis of their waste streams, identifying the types and quantities of waste generated and the methods used for diversion.
  2. Diversion rate calculation: Facilities must calculate their diversion rate, which is the percentage of waste that is diverted from landfills through reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting. TRUE certification requires a minimum diversion rate of 90%.
  3. Tracking and reporting: Facilities must have systems in place to track and report on their waste management efforts, including the amount of waste generated, the methods used for diversion, and the diversion rate.
  4. Documentation: Facilities must provide documentation of their waste management policies and procedures, as well as the results of their waste stream analysis and diversion rate calculation.

By meeting these zero waste reporting requirements, facilities can demonstrate their commitment to reducing waste, conserving resources, and minimizing the environmental impact of their operations. Additionally, the reporting requirements help to ensure that facilities are transparent and accountable in their waste management efforts, and they provide valuable information that can be used to continuously improve waste management practices.

Overall, the zero waste reporting requirements for TRUE certification play an important role in promoting sustainable waste management and helping facilities to achieve zero waste goals. By meeting these requirements, facilities can gain recognition for their efforts in reducing waste and conserving resources, and they can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

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