Understanding the LEED BD+C: Location and Transport credit

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LEED BD+D (Building Design and Construction) is a certification program for green building design, construction, and operations. The Location and Transportation credit category aims to promote sustainable transportation and responsible land use, which can contribute to reducing environmental impact, improving public health, and enhancing community livability.

The total number of points that can be earned by projects under the Location and Transportation category is 16. There are six different credits under this category, each with specific documentation requirements. These credits are:

  1. Sensitive Land Protection (1 point): This credit aims to prevent development on sensitive land, such as prime farmland, floodplains, and endangered species habitats. Projects can earn one point by avoiding development on such land or by redeveloping previously developed land. Documentation required includes maps, aerial photographs, and site analysis reports.
  2. High Priority Site (3 points): This credit encourages development on sites that are already developed or that are located in an existing community, rather than on greenfield sites or in remote locations. Projects can earn up to three points depending on the site’s characteristics, such as its location in a dense urban area or proximity to public transportation. Documentation required includes site analysis reports and maps.
  3. Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses (5 points): This credit aims to promote mixed-use development and walkability by requiring projects to be located in areas with diverse uses and services, such as grocery stores, banks, and healthcare facilities, within a certain radius. Projects can earn up to five points depending on the number and diversity of uses within the required radius. Documentation required includes maps, site analysis reports, and surveys of the surrounding area.
  4. Access to Quality Transit (5 points): This credit encourages projects to locate in areas with access to quality public transportation services, such as buses, trains, and subways. Projects can earn up to five points depending on the availability and frequency of transit services within a certain radius. Documentation required includes maps, transit schedules, and ridership data.
  5. Bicycle Facilities (1 point): This credit aims to promote cycling as a sustainable and healthy transportation mode by requiring projects to provide secure bicycle parking and changing facilities. Projects can earn one point by providing adequate facilities and meeting specific requirements. Documentation required includes parking plans and facility designs.
  6. Reduced Parking Footprint (1 point): This credit encourages projects to reduce the number of parking spaces and promote alternative transportation modes, such as carpooling, biking, and walking. Projects can earn one point by reducing their parking footprint below the baseline capacity and providing adequate alternative transportation options. Documentation required includes parking plans and calculations.

To summarize, the Location and Transportation credit category includes six credits with a total of 16 possible points. Projects can earn points by avoiding development on sensitive land, locating in high-priority sites or areas with diverse uses, providing access to quality transit and bicycle facilities, and reducing their parking footprint. Documentation requirements vary depending on the credit and include site analysis reports, maps, surveys, ridership data, parking plans, and facility designs.

To understand the documentation requirements for each credit, below is a summary table:

Credit NameCredit PointsDocumentation RequirementsExample
Sensitive Land Protection1Site analysis reports, maps, aerial photographsThe project avoids development on prime farmland
High Priority Site3Site analysis reports, mapsThe project is located in a dense urban area
Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses5Site analysis reports, maps, surveysThe project is surrounded by a grocery store, pharmacy, and commercial office within 400m
Access to Quality Transit5Maps, transit schedules, ridership dataThe project is located within 800m of
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