Unlocking the Benefits of TRUE Certification: Sustainable Solutions for Businesses

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TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) is a zero waste certification program that helps facilities achieve their zero waste goals, reduce their carbon footprint, and support public health. Administered by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), the program encourages a whole systems approach to redesign resource life cycles, so all products are reused.

Facilities achieve certification by meeting 7 minimum program requirements and attaining at least 31 points on the TRUE scorecard. The benefits of TRUE certification include saving money, progressing faster, supporting sustainability, and improving material flows.

Implementing the requirements and credits of the TRUE Rating System helps facilities eliminate pollution, improve their bottom line, cut their ecological footprint, promote positive forces for environmental and economic sustainability, foster strong total participation, and showcase their responsibility and commitment to the environment.

TRUE certified spaces are environmentally responsible, more resource efficient, and help turn waste into savings and additional income streams. By closing the loop, they cut greenhouse gases, manage risk, reduce litter and pollution, reinvest resources locally, create jobs, and add more value for their organization and community.

Five potential advantages of obtaining TRUE certification:

Cost savings: The TRUE certification program focuses on reducing waste, increasing efficiency, and promoting sustainable practices. By implementing these practices, organizations can reduce their operating costs, which can result in significant financial savings over time.

Environmental benefits: TRUE certification promotes environmentally sustainable practices such as waste reduction, water conservation, and energy efficiency. Implementing these practices can help organizations reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to the fight against climate change.

Improved brand reputation: Achieving TRUE certification demonstrates an organization’s commitment to sustainability and responsible resource management. This can improve its reputation with customers, employees, investors, and other stakeholders.

Regulatory compliance: Many countries and regions have regulations and policies in place that require organizations to implement sustainable practices. TRUE certification can help organizations meet these requirements and stay in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Enhanced employee engagement: Employees are often more engaged and motivated when they work for organizations that prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility. TRUE certification can help create a culture of sustainability within an organization, which can lead to higher employee satisfaction and retention rates.