Zero Waste and Sustainable Materials Management – Quiz

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1. What is Zero Waste?

a. Sending all waste to landfills and incinerators

b. Reducing waste to a minimum and using recycling and composting to divert waste from landfills and incinerators

c. Recycling all materials regardless of economic feasibility

d. Reducing waste generation without regard for resource conservation

Answer: b

2. Which of the following is not one of the principles of Zero Waste?

a. Reduce

b. Reuse

c. Recycle

d. Reclaim

Answer: d

3. What is Sustainable Materials Management?

a. Using sustainable materials in production and disposal

b. Minimizing waste and the environmental impact of materials throughout their lifecycle

c. Recycling all materials to reduce the demand for virgin materials

d. Disposing of materials in an environmentally friendly way

Answer: b

4. Which of the following is not a benefit of Zero Waste and Sustainable Materials Management?

a. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

b. Conserving natural resources

c. Increasing landfill capacity

d. Reducing pollution

Answer: c

5. What is the goal of Zero Waste?

a. To send all waste to landfills and incinerators

b. To reduce waste generation and increase recycling and composting

c. To recycle all materials regardless of economic feasibility

d. To use sustainable materials in production and disposal

Answer: b

6. What is the role of source reduction in Zero Waste?

a. To recycle all materials regardless of economic feasibility

b. To reduce waste generation through the design and production of products

c. To divert waste from landfills and incinerators through recycling and composting

d. To dispose of materials in an environmentally friendly way

Answer: b

7. What is the role of recycling in Zero Waste?

a. To reduce waste generation through the design and production of products

b. To reuse products as much as possible

c. To convert waste materials into new products

d. To dispose of materials in an environmentally friendly way

Answer: c

8. What is the role of composting in Zero Waste?

a. To reduce waste generation through the design and production of products

b. To convert organic waste into a useful soil amendment

c. To divert waste from landfills and incinerators through recycling and composting

d. To dispose of materials in an environmentally friendly way

Answer: b

9. What is the goal of Sustainable Materials Management?

a. To use sustainable materials in production and disposal

b. To reduce waste generation and the environmental impact of materials throughout their lifecycle

c. To recycle all materials to reduce the demand for virgin materials

d. To dispose of materials in an environmentally friendly way

Answer: b

10. What is the role of life cycle assessment in Sustainable Materials Management?

a. To evaluate the environmental impact of materials and products throughout their lifecycle

b. To recycle all materials to reduce the demand for virgin materials

c. To convert waste materials into new products

d. To dispose of materials in an environmentally friendly way

Answer: a