Basic risks and safety precaution used in SOLAR PV Plant installation

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Establishment of a rooftop solar power plants has the risks of a regular structure site, in addition to electrical dangers because of the framework itself. Before establishment, all employees should have basic knowledge and training that will give a decent comprehension of essential electrical standards, work site risks, and general safeguards and actions. In spite of the fact that not in every case legitimately required, such exercise is frequently part of International Organization for Standardization’s word related health and security the executive’s system. Sticking to its norms can altogether decrease the number of accidents. Most basic non-electrical risks are following:

  • pests that nest or hide in the equipment,
  • cuts from sharp edges on the equipment or bumps from falling equipment,
  • lifting injuries,
  • thermal burns from metal heated by the sun, and
  • acid burns from batteries

A lot of these nonelectrical risks can be cured through awareness and presence of mind. Essentially wearing appropriate individual protective kits (e.g., hard cap, secured shoes, gloves), and practicing proper construction site safety procedures will prevent many accidents. Playing it safe from falling off a rooftop, especially an inclined rooftop, could be deal with by confirming all worker are divided into a protected point by any means times while on the rooftop.

Using protective measures against electrical risks while installing a PV Power Plant is like that of precaution used for working with any electrical equipment. The risk for electrical burns and shocks can exist even with just a bunch of photovoltaic (PV) modules, high volt of direct current generated while installing large plant and unquestionably enough current to cause a deadly physical injury. Furthermore, survivors of a minor electrical shocks could bring about more terrible injury as they hop once again from the shock. Consequently, an authorized electrician who understand DC system and the neighbourhood electrical code consistently be available on the site and completed the electrical work.

Basic safety instructions:

  • Do no try to repair any part of PV plant until unless all electrical system knowledge and installation qualification.
  • Do not disassemble modules or remove any part installed by the manufacturer and follow all instruction given by manufacturer
  • Do not open or disconnect any module when array string is closed.
  • Stop installation during rain and storm.
  • Do not stand or move on pv modules
  • Do not install modules where flammable gases or vapours are present
  • Keep in mind that wet modules when cracked or broken can expose maintenance personnel to very high voltages
  • Avoid working alone while performing a field inspection or repair.
  • Wear suitable eye protection goggles, safety belt and insulating gloves rated at 1,000 volts.
  • Always have a fire extinguisher, a first-aid kit, and a hook or cane available when performing work around energized equipment.