BEE- Star Rating Program for Buildings

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The rate of growth in commercial building sector is amongst the highest. in India commercial building sector is expanding rapidly at over 9% per year encouraged largely by the strong growth in the services sector. This sector needs to be moderated in its energy consumption to reduce the adverse impact of buildings on the environment.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) introduced the Star Rating for existing buildings as a voluntary policy measure to overcome bad environmental impacts imposed by buildings.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) was established by the Government of India in March, 2002 under the provisions of the EC Act. Ministry of Power launched the Star rating of commercial buildings scheme in India in 2009.

Star Rating Program for buildings

  • Based on the energy usage in the building over its area expressed in kWh/sqm/year. 
  • rates buildings on 1-5 scale, with 5 star labelled buildings being most efficient
  • Star Labels for day use office buildings, BPOs, Hospitals and Shopping Malls have been developed.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between BEE and CPWD on 10th January,2019 for “Energy Efficiency in CPWD managed Buildings.

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