Harnessing solar energy vital for sustainable development: Swain

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BATHINDA: SECI – Solar Energy Corporation of India Managing Director Jatindra Nath Swain (IAS) on Tuesday inaugurated a 1.

SECI – Solar Energy Corporation of India Managing Director Jatindra Nath Swain (IAS) on Tuesday inaugurated a 1.2-MW solar power project at Akal University in Bathinda.

In his address, Swain said the solar project, which is the largest one for any rural educational institution, displayed the forward thinking of an educational organisation like Kalgidhar Society.

The project was inaugurated by Swain by pressing the button. He was accompanied by Baba Balbir Singh Seechewal, Dr Davinder Singh (secretary of Kalgidhar Society) and Dr Gurmail Singh, Vice-Chancellor of Akal University.

The project would meet more than 80 per cent power requirements of Akal University and 13 Akal academies. The project has been completed at a cost of Rs 5.2 crore, out of which the Ministry of Non-conventional Energy has provided a subsidy of around Rs 1.7 crore.

Talwandi Sabo SDM Babbandeep Singh, PEDA and PSPCL officials and 25 sarpanches of nearby villages also attended the programme. 

Swain further said, “Solar power generation is a measure of sustainability.”

Source: The Tribune